Unregulated Loans Complaints Process

Unregulated Loans Complaints Process

Although we aim to provide you with the highest standards of service, there may be occasions when our service
does not meet your expectations.

If any issues arise during your dealings with us, please talk to us and let us know what your concerns are. In most
cases we can resolve your concerns and provide a solution promptly. Alternatively, you can detail your complaints
by writing to:

Compliance Team
M T Finance
Level 20
The Broadgate Tower
20 Primrose Street
London EC2A 2EW


If you would like to discuss your complaint you may contact us directly on 020 3051 2331.
If you write to us, we will send you a written acknowledgement promptly, but at least within five business days of
receiving your complaint.

Your concerns will be fully investigated and a detailed response (ā€˜final response letterā€™) will be issued typically
within eight weeks of receiving your complaint.

For us to complete a thorough investigation, please include as much information as possible in your complaint.
If you have any concerns or you want an update on our progress before you receive the final response letter, you
should contact the member of staff whose name appears on the acknowledgement.

Once we have all the necessary information, we will consider the complaint fairly and impartially before giving you
a written response indicating our decision. You may accept our view or reject it. If you reject it, we will revisit your
complaint in light of any additional comments you make. If you do not respond, we will treat your complaint as
closed. In the unlikely event that no response is provided by us within the eight-week period, we will write to you
again explaining why.