Women in Finance Charter

MT Finance believes gender balance is crucial to the success of our business, which is why we signed the HM Treasury Women in Finance Charter in 2018.

The Charter is a pledge for firms to work together to help build greater gender balance in financial services and according to HM Treasury, now covers over 1,000,000 financial services employees in the UK.

As part of our commitment to the Charter, we initially set ourselves the following internal targets for gender diversity:

  • Maintaining 50% of women in senior management positions by January 2020
  • Adding at least one female candidate to the board of directors by 2020
  • Boosting awareness of gender diversity across the company
  • Continually reviewing our employment processes to ensure weā€™re encouraging all types of diversity
  • Operating an annual salary review to ensure equal pay is in practice
  • Maintaining our equal employee gender split (tolerance of 10%) across the entire workforce

In line with the Charterā€™s commitments, Lenka Pajkosova, Buy-to-Let Operations Director, is MT Financeā€™s senior staff member responsible and accountable for gender diversity and inclusion.

An update on our progress on 31st January 2023:

Original target Current status
Maintaining 50% of women in senior management positions by January 2020 54%
Adding at least one female candidate to the board of directors by 2020 Two
Boosting awareness of gender diversity across the company Employees are required to adhere to our equal opportunities policy while successes are always highlighted across the business
Continually reviewing our employment processes to ensure weā€™re encouraging all types of diversity As an equal opportunities employer we have always encouraged and continue to encourage applications from a variety of different backgrounds
Operating an annual salary review to ensure equal pay is in practice Salaries are reviewed annually to ensure gender parity
Maintaining our equal employee gender split (tolerance of 10%) across the entire workforce 44.8% female


We have made positive progress against the pledges and targets we originally set ourselves after signing the Charter and we continue to measure the number of women at each level of the organisation. As of 31st January 2023, female representation in senior management has grown from 50% in 2019 to 54%. Considering the company has seen unprecedented growth in terms of head count over the last four years, we are proud to have increased this figure.

In 2021 we appointed two female candidates to the board of directors, taking female representation to 25%. Female representation in the business as a whole is currently at 44.8% – up from 40% in 2019.

We are acutely aware that achieving and maintaining gender parity requires constant work and this is something we are strongly committed to. We are proud to promote an inclusive environment at MT Finance and strive to drive genuine change in the financial services sector.